The Official One Family Movement Videos

The One Family World Peace Movement | OFFICIAL TRAILER | A People's Plan | Documentary Series
Take Part in the New Worldwide Alliance of the People to establish amazing nonviolent, sustainable humanitarian societies FOR ONE AND ALL! Unite to heal the world and replace corrupt governments and systems with Shared Economies in which quality food, housing, medical, education, and all other basic essential are free to all. This is the way of Family. The ONE FAMILY WORLD PEACE MOVEMENT.

EPISODE 1 | Introduction to The One Family World Peace Movement | A People's Alliance | Documentary Series
Learn about the new ONE FAMILY MOVEMENT of the people−and how to easily take part−in this Official Introduction. Go beyond activism and protests with the New Worldwide Alliance of the people with a real plan to establish World Peace and Sustainable Humanitarian Societies for all. If we just UNITE, we can scrap the outdated, corrupt systems of society and quickly transform our world to provide free food, housing, medical care, and all other basic essentials TO ALL in an abundant Shared Economy. It is OUR WORLD, and it is UP TO US!
The world that humanity’s humanitarian scholars, world peace experts, scientists, and other specialists are capable of creating is light-years ahead of the world we know today. Humanity’s best knowledge and experts are being ignored and misused by severely misguided elitists obsessed with power, control, and violence. These elites constantly scheme to divide and conquer the masses of the people, but if we awake and unite, we can quickly transform our world into a truly lovely place.

EPISODE 2 | The Extiction of War! | The One Family Movement World Peace Plan | Documentary Series | OVERVIEW-PHASE 1
All of humanity’s sciences (biology, genetics, anthropology…) tell us that ALL HUMANS ARE RELATED. We all share common ancestors and origins. Please consider all of these philosophies and reasons to unite and take part in the ONE FAMILY PLAN−for the wonderful common benefits to one and all.
Learn more about the new ONE FAMILY MOVEMENT of the people, and how to take part in this Official Overview. Go beyond activism and protests with the New Worldwide Alliance that will establish World Peace and Sustainable Humanitarian Societies for all.

EPISODE 3 | New Humanitarian Systems of Society | The One Family World Peace Movement | Documentary Series | OVERVIEW-PHASE 2
Humanitarian scholars and World Peace specialists have long had the info needed to establish world peace and abundant, sustainable, humanitarian societies for all. But selfish, misguided elitists ignore this and selfishly mismanage our world and lives.
Using divide-and-conquer tactics, corrupt economic systems, and organized violence, these unstable elites (a tiny minority of the world population) have caused untold hardship, suffering, death and destruction to humanity and the Earth’s environment. By intelligently uniting, we can restore our world!

EPISODE 4 | Family, Culture, Sustainability Blossom | The One Family World Peace Movement | Documentary Series | OVERVIEW-PHASE 3
ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY is one of the largest global issues that humanity is currently facing. Our human family needs to expand and deepen our understandings of nature and ecosystems (including the Earth’s grand ecosystem−the Biosphere) in order to enjoy lasting stability, peace, and abundance for one and all.
FAMILY is the key to World Peace and Better Societies. Families are the natural units of human society, and have been since the earliest times. Bonds of kinship are the strongest ties to unite us. The vision of the ONE FAMILY plan includes a multitude of family and community businesses, workshops, factories, farms, and organizations.

New Caring Land and Housing Systems PT1 | Sharing Earth as One Worldwide Family | Peace | #Shorts
The One Family Movement World Peace Plan includes new advanced humanitarian land and housing systems. These systems will help to eliminate homelessness, poverty, and hardship for all members of our worldwide human family–along with the One Family Shared Essentials policy.
These are just a couple of examples of what we, humanity, can do if we redirect our resources and energy from militarism, separatism, and conflict, to worthwhile humanitarian endeavors for our mutual well-being.

New Caring Land and Housing Systems PT2 | Sharing Earth as One Worldwide Family | Peace | #Shorts
The One Family Movement World Peace Plan includes new advanced humanitarian land and housing systems. These systems will help to eliminate homelessness, poverty, and hardship for all members of our worldwide human family–along with the One Family Shared Essentials policy.
These are just a couple of examples of what we, humanity, can do if we redirect our resources and energy from militarism, separatism, and conflict, to worthwhile humanitarian endeavors for our mutual well-being.